Love-filled Fashion – A Valentine’s Day Lookbook

Get your Valentine’s Day fix post-love-day.

By Julia Lawrence

Valentine's Day is when lovey-dovey eyes exchange between partners and friends—it's also when you can show off the pink, red and overall fashion-forward pieces you have in your closet.

CanCulture’s 2024 Valentine’s Day lookbook showcases different fashion styles encapsulating the love holiday’s aesthetic. Scroll down to fill your heart with love, joy and fashion inspiration.

Mikayla Trainor (@meekeela_) pairs a bright pink skirt with a pale pink sweatshirt. (Julia Lawrence/CanCulture)

On a red background, in the middle two people hold each other while facing the camera. On the left side is a man wearing a suit and a white outlined bubble layered on top of his photo is a closeup of his rings and blue tie.

Parker Theis (R) (@_jurassicparker_) and Michael Karant (L) (@michaelkarant) dress to impress for their dinner date. (Julia Lawrence/CanCulture)

On a pink background, a photo is outlined in white with four red hearts on the corners. It is a closeup of the side of a person showing their pink heart-shaped earmuffs, red and black skirt, black shirt and brown coat.

Minori Peters (@minori.peters) wears thrifted heart-shaped earmuffs alongside a simple red and black outfit. (Julia Lawrence/CanCulture)

On a solid red background, three photos are outline in white, two are duplicates of a person's nails over their pink sweatshirt and the middle photo is their full of the pink graphic sweatshirt and black pants.

Lama Alshami (@lama.alshxmi) dons a full pink look with nails to match. (Julia Lawrence/CanCulture)

On a solid pink background is a photo of a person wearing black pants and layered a black corset over a red long sleeve. There is a photo outlined in red next to the other one that has a closeup of their outfit and nails.

Debeshi (@_debeshi_228) (Julia Lawrence/CanCulture)

On a solid red background, a person is doubled to show on one side the bottom of their outfit and the other is their top. In three bubbles outlined in pink are closeups of their corset, pink shoes and heart eye makeup.

Yllana Williams (@yllanawilliams) layers white on white for a textured look paired with heart-eyed makeup and pink heels. (Julia Lawrence/CanCulture)

Solid pink background with for red hearts surround a photo of a person wearing a black coat, red sweater with a heart vest layered over top and purple pants.

Rachel (@booperdontcrossthelinedooper) layers a heart-filled vest over a red sweater. (Julia Lawrence/CanCulture)

Two photos are in front of pink and white borders and a solid red background. One photo shows off pink painted nails and jewellery, the other photo shows a full outfit with brown pants, light pink sweater and a cream cardigan.

Daniella Lopez (@lopez_daniella_) contrasts dark brown pants with a light pink sweater and cream cardigan. Julia Lawrence/CanCulture)

On a solid pink background, a photo shows a woman holding a rose while posing to show off her jeans, white long sleeve and draped bright pink sweater. There are mixed lights in the background of white and red.

Prescela Jeeves (@prescelaaa) matches her pink rose with a bright pink sweater draped over a white long sleeve. (Julia Lawrence/CanCulture)

What did you wear this past Valentine’s Day? Email ( a photo of your outfit for a chance to be featured on @canculturemag’s Instagram.